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2024 Predictions: Kevin Mills, Director

2024 Predictions: Kevin Mills, Director

Image: Kevin Mills, Director

As the property market navigates a landscape of shifting variables, Kevin Mills, Director, has shared his insightful predictions for 2024. Kevin’s analysis highlights potential trajectories for both residential and commercial properties, underscored by economic factors and political considerations.

Residential Property Projections

There’s nothing that sparks conversation quite like property prices. Although some commentators have predicted a potential dip in residential property prices in the coming year, it’s essential to consider the broader picture. The larger than expected fall in inflation at the end of 2023, and the introduction of sub-4% interest rate mortgages, competitive mortgage terms and a wider array of products offer reasons to be optimistic and suggests that interest rates may be held in the short to medium term.

If these positive trends continue, we may see a more stable and potentially even an upward trajectory in residential property prices over the course of the year.

Commercial Property Outlook

The commercial property sector continues to offer real promise, potentially witnessing an uptick in market activity in the latter half of 2024. This outlook hinges on the continued levelling of inflation and reduction in interest rates, acting as catalysts for stimulating market movements.

Political Variables and Market Anticipation

The impending general election casts a shadow of uncertainty on the market’s behaviour. With a likely timing in autumn 2024, the run-up to the election historically ushers in a subdued market atmosphere. However, the post-election landscape remains hard to predict. Current polling hints at a Labour Party victory, yet the Conservatives might endeavour to sway market dynamics with strategic fiscal moves in their last Spring Budget, possibly via tax cuts or other measures directly impacting the property market outlook.

Volatility and Global Factors

Kevin underscores the indispensable role of confidence in propelling the property market forward. However, global issues, beyond the control of the UK government, loom as significant influencers, contributing to ongoing market volatility.

Role of Title Insurance

Amidst this backdrop of uncertainty, Kevin emphasises the pivotal role of title insurance. Offering a means to expedite property transactions by supplanting standard searches, mitigating financial risks associated with title and planning issues, and reducing due diligence costs, title insurance emerges as a game-changer. In a climate where mortgage products can swiftly vanish and sellers seek swift transactions with minimal complications, the efficacy of title insurance becomes amplified.

While the property market stands at the crossroads of multifaceted influences, the insights provided by Kevin Mills shed light on potential trajectories. As the year unfolds, the convergence of political, economic, and global factors will continue to shape the property landscape, underscoring the need for adaptability and strategic approaches within the industry.

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