Complaint Procedure

We are dedicated to providing you with a high-quality service and we want to ensure that we maintain this at all times. If you have any questions or concerns about your insurance or the handling of a Claim, please contact Westcor International Ltd First Floor 24 King William Street, London EC4R 9AT, United Kingdom, or by E-mail at enquiries@westcorintl.comYou may reach Westcor by phone at +44 (0)20 7929 7650. If the complaint is not resolved in 3 days, we will forward your complaint to our AXAXL complaints team – DL-AXAXL-UK-Complaints Should you remain dissatisfied with the final response or if you have not received a final response within eight (8) weeks of the complaint being made, you may be eligible to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service at: Financial Ombudsman Service Exchange Tower London E14 9SR e-mail:
Telephone Number: From within the United Kingdom
0800 0234 567 calls to this number are free on mobiles and landlines
0300 1239 123 calls to this number costs no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers
From outside the United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7964 0500
Fax Number: +44 (0)20 7964 1001
Text Number: 07860 027 586 Call Back Service
The Financial Ombudsman Service can look into most complaints from consumers and small businesses. For more information contact them on the above number or address or view their website: The complaints handling arrangements above are without prejudice to your right to commence a legal action or an alternative dispute resolution proceeding in accordance with your contractual rights.