Terms & Conditions
It is a precondition of the use of this website that you fully comply with these terms and conditions each time you purchase a policy.
In these conditions, the following definitions apply:
We, us and our means Westcor International, which is a web, based quoting and application system provided by us for our insurance products.
Westcor International Ltd First Floor 24 King William Street London EC4R 9AT authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
It is important that you read and understand these conditions before you start to use our website. Your use of our website will constitute acceptance of these conditions in their entirety.
We may amend these conditions at any time without notice. Your use of our website after such amendment will be subject to these conditions as amended.
The products and services advertised on this website are subject to availability, and may be withdrawn or amended without any notice.
Information on this website about legal indemnities is provided for the benefit of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland only.
We can restrict or refuse you access to all or any part of this website at any time, and without notice or explanation.
Non receipt by us of any premiums within two calendar months of the ‘Commencement Date’ stated in a policy issued by us to the user shall render that policy void with effect from the said commencement date.
Data protection
We treat our obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 very seriously.
WIL is registered under the Data Protection Act. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details.
Certain areas of our website are secure. You may only access these secure areas once you have obtained from us (via this website) a password.
We can refuse to issue you with a password at any time, and without offering any explanation. If you have been issued with a password, we can revoke your use of such password at any time, and without offering any explanation.
Once you have been issued with a password you must not disclose it to anyone. If your password is revealed to a third party, whether deliberately or in error or otherwise, we will not be liable to you for any loss incurred. If you forget your password, or if you believe that someone else knows your password, you must notify us immediately.
You can tell which areas of this website are secure by the appearance of a security symbol in the browser’s status bar (please note, the security symbol varies on different browsers, this is indicated by a securely closed padlock. It is your responsibility to understand which symbol represents security on your browser, please contact the software vendor for further details). Any information sent to us using a secure area will be encrypted to a high standard and sent on to us in a secure format.
There may be other email features within our website, which we cannot guarantee as secure. You can tell which email features are not guaranteed as secure by the absence of the security symbol (see paragraph 5.4).
Information given to us via our website will be used to provide the requested service, and may also be used to keep you informed of products and services which may be of interest. If you do not want the information provided to be used in this way, please let us know by emailing enquiries@westcorintl.com with your full name and postal address.
You must ensure that you are familiar with the policy wordings so that you are able to make the insured fully aware of the policy cover including its terms and conditions.
You must comply at all times with the underwriting criteria and the terms and conditions as notified to you on this system.
Cover must not be backdated
Users of this website must be:
a solicitor, legal executive or licensed conveyancer, or an individual working under the supervision of a solicitor, legal executive or licensed conveyancer in either case the individual must be employed by or a partner or officer in a law firm, a limited liability partnership or a company limited by shares which is recognised by the Law Society of England and Wales, the Law Society of Scotland, the Law Society of Northern Ireland or the Law Society of the Republic of Ireland (“Law Society”) as a suitable body to provide legal services, which is regulated by the Law Society and either registered with, or authorised by, the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) to undertake insurance mediation business or is registered with the FCA on the Exempt Professional Firms (EPF) register and which has a current suitable professional indemnity policy in place.
a licensed conveyancing company authorised by the FCA to undertake insurance mediation business and which has a current suitable professional indemnity policy in place.
A solicitor or licenced conveyancer working in-house for a company or Local Authority and purchasing a Legal Indemnity Policy for their employer or a company in their employer’s group.
A specialist broker with an understanding of Legal Indemnity Policies who purchases Legal Indemnity Policies for clients in the normal course of business.
The policies are for properties in England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and used and intended to be used for solely residential or solely commercial purposes.
If payment is made by cheque, please note we will only issue you with the policy once the cheque has cleared.
The limit of indemnity should not be less than the market value of the property.
Quotes are only valid for 3 calendar months from day of quote.
We reserve the right to request further information from any user for our auditing purposes.
We hold all premiums received as agents for the insurer.
You are not acting as Our agent in obtaining any quotation or the collection of any premium payments.
Sanctions and Embargo
You are required to comply with your statutory and regulatory obligations to carry out sanctions checks against any person or company for whom you purchase a policy from this website.
Policies purchased from us will contain the following provisions:-
If a policy is issued that is or would be unlawful because it breaches an embargo or sanction the policy will provide that the Insurer shall provide no coverage or benefit and have no liability under that policy.
If the payment of a claim under a policy would breach an embargo or sanction, the Insurer will take all reasonable measures to obtain the necessary authorisation to make such payment.
If any law or regulation becomes applicable during the term of a policy that will restrict the ability of the Insurer to provide coverage because it breaches an embargo or sanction both parties will have the right to cancel the policy subject to a minimum of 30 days’ notice by the Insurer.
Website access
We will endeavour to make this website constantly accessible for your use. We cannot however guarantee this availability, and will not be liable at all if the website is unavailable or not functioning for any period.
We reserve the right to suspend access to our website temporarily or permanently, and without notice.
If you have any enquiries , please contact
Westcor International Ltd
First Floor
24 King William Street, London
Telephone: +44 203 946 7378
All content on this website is provided for your information. We endeavour to ensure that the content is current and accurate, but do not accept any liability to you where it is not, whether in contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, and whether direct or consequential. If you want to rely on any information provided in our website, you should check its accuracy directly with us, before placing any reliance on it.
We have provided within the website a calculator for your use. While we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and functional efficiency of this calculator, we cannot guarantee this, and no liability to you or any customer as a result of any errors, technical defects, miscalculations, or lack of functionality.
Where we provide on our website, direct links to another website not under our control, we accept no liability for the content of, or your use of, that other site. Where we provide direct links to another website, we neither guarantee the accuracy of the content of that website, nor do we necessarily endorse or approve of that content. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to access the other website via the link on our website at any time.
Your website may only be linked to ours with our prior written consent. We may not give consent, and do not have to offer any explanation where consent is refused. If we give consent, the consent may be made subject to conditions. Amongst other things, there will be conditions that our website will only be linked to your website by way of a clear separate Uniform Resource Locator (“URL”) and that you make clear that our website is not part of your website.
We aim to ensure that our website is free of all viruses and technical defects of any description. Due to the nature of the internet however, and the possibility of third party interference, this cannot be guaranteed, and we will not be liable for any damage or loss caused as a result of your use of our website.
The content of this website does not constitute an offer to contract. The information does not constitute advice or a recommendation to you or any customer. You are responsible for providing proper advice to customers on the suitability of our products and services advertised on this website.
You agree to indemnify us for all direct and consequential losses we incur as a result of your use of our website otherwise than in accordance with these conditions, whether deliberate or negligent.
Intellectual Property
WIL owns and operates this website. WIL is the owner of all intellectual property rights in material contained within this website. This includes, but is not limited to, all copyright, trademarks, patents and designs. We will pursue any unauthorised infringements of our rights.
You are allowed to use, download, obtain and print the information on this website for the purpose only to obtain quotes and purchase policies online. You may not otherwise extract or distribute material contained within this website, or use the material and tools for any commercial benefit to yourself or others. If you wish to use our website content for any other purpose, or in any other way, you must contact us to obtain our prior written consent. We may not give consent. If any consent is given we will explain as part of the consent how you will be permitted to use this website and its contents.
These conditions, and your use of this website, are governed by, and will be construed in accordance with, English law. The courts of England and Wales will have sole jurisdiction to determine any disputes arising.
Our website is not intended for your use if you, or the customer, are resident outside England and Wales Scotland, Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland; we therefore do not guarantee that our website complies with the laws and regulations of any other jurisdiction.