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Tom Dowling Joins Westcor’s Republic of Ireland Team

Tom Dowling Joins Westcor's Republic of Ireland Team

Image: Tom Dowling

Westcor proudly welcomes Tom Dowling as the newest addition to its Republic of Ireland team, underscoring its commitment to expanding title insurance excellence in the Irish market.

Expertise and Experience

With over two decades of experience in the financial services and property sectors, Tom started out with a Bachelor of Science degree in Property Valuation and Management from Herriot-Watt University Edinburgh & Limerick Institute of Technology.

His career highlights include significant roles at leading institutions such as KBC Bank Ireland, Bank of Ireland, and ICS Mortgages, where he successfully launched new mortgage offerings and drove significant market growth.

Strengthening Westcor’s Market Position

Tom’s background in mortgage origination, arrears management, and product development is complemented by his resilience through economic challenges, including the Celtic Tiger years, the 2008 credit crunch, and the COVID-19 pandemic. His expertise in introducing new products and growing businesses in diverse economic climates will be a significant asset.

“Post-COVID saw a real boom for the Irish mortgage market, during which we generated over £530 million, which was remarkable for a relatively small entrant. We also launched a new product during this period, achieving a 5% market share in the launch window. It was incredibly rewarding to work on this from inception to delivery,” Tom Dowling, Corporate Development Manager.

“Westcor’s journey in Ireland is relatively new, and the market is under-serviced. This presents an exciting opportunity to build brand and product awareness and truly drive the business forward,” Tom added.

A Vision for Growth

Along with building the Westcor brand, Tom is looking forward to the personal growth this next chapter of his career promises, “I had very little knowledge of the title insurance business, but when an opportunity like this comes your way, you must take it. It’s bringing new understanding to my property and lending knowledge and I’m excited to really take this opportunity and run with it.”

With Tom on board, Westcor Ireland is ready to meet its ambitious goals for significant growth. His vision includes expanding the team, building strong, long-term relationships with stakeholders, and ensuring the delivery of premium title insurance solutions. “I’ve got 20 years of experience in mortgages, creating and introducing new products, and building pipelines of business in Ireland. There’s so much potential at Westcor; it’s unlimited really,” Tom shared.

Balancing Risk with Reward

Tom’s expertise in risk analysis and assessment will be instrumental in his new role at Westcor. “With mortgages and lending, there’s always a need for rigorous risk analysis and assessment, not just of the broader economy but also on an individual basis. This same approach is crucial for title insurance, especially with our lending products,” Tom explained.

“I’ve seen firsthand the benefits of underwriting cases and understanding where they can go wrong. This dual perspective helps form a comprehensive risk analysis that benefits both the borrower and the lender,” he added.

“We need to understand each institution’s risk appetite and lending criteria. It’s about ensuring that the business we take on makes sense for both sides,” Tom noted. His extensive experience in the financial sector means he knows how lenders operate and can develop strong relationships that are built on mutual understanding and meaningful business practices. In particular, the closing stage or process of lending has no set time frame and can be quite lengthy due to the relevant searches and due diligence required, which can be frustrating for lenders and customers alike. The products Westcor has available to the property sector and lenders can greatly reduce the closing process, saving time and money for all stakeholders whilst reducing their risk.

What the Future Holds

Tom’s appointment comes at a crucial juncture for Westcor as it continues to innovate in the title insurance sector. His dedication to client service and risk management promises to further cement Westcor’s reputation as a trusted provider in Ireland.

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